Saturday 10 April 2010

I made lunch!

I have been living in London for almost 2 years now, but this is first time I made something nice for lunch.

The blessings of a catered hall :) Lots of time (and effort) saved from shopping for groceries, planning the menu and washing up after each meal.

However, we don't have a proper kitchen in the hall, so I could only buy some ready made stuff and assemble them.

Here is what I made!

Smoked salmon and cream cheese bagel!

Unfortunately, thats just an image I got from the website XD

Mine doesn't look half as good...

Wanted to take a photo with the salmon, but failed.

I look forward to moving out next year, then I can have a say on what I feel like eating. Its probably better for me to watch my diet too!

Pre-exams syndrome = excessive snacking = weight gain :((((((

I need more self control! (Says me while munching on a cinnamon roll saved from breakfast).

Thats me.


About Me

Currently a student in London. Loves travelling, day-dreaming, pigging out on good food and dancing. I think one of the greatest blessings of life is to wake up in the morning without an alarm clock. Having a great time means a deep and meaningful conversation with friends. Absolutely hopeless in networking, words doesn't come out if I am pressured to talk. But if I feel like talking, you would wish you never had ears ;P

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