Sunday 18 April 2010

Rotten Luck.

"Oh no! Uguys heard of the volcanic ashes from Iceland? They are cancelling flights out of UK today and the news say that it might last a week :("
Text from Liyana, dated 15th April 2010.

Liyana, Ruui and I were due to travel to Portugal and Spain during 17th April 2010. As of today 18th April, we are still in London.

Will try to get refunds on air tickets. But will probably lose money on the coach tickets between different cities.

To everyone stranded in a foreign country trying to get home, I will keep my fingers crossed for you!


About Me

Currently a student in London. Loves travelling, day-dreaming, pigging out on good food and dancing. I think one of the greatest blessings of life is to wake up in the morning without an alarm clock. Having a great time means a deep and meaningful conversation with friends. Absolutely hopeless in networking, words doesn't come out if I am pressured to talk. But if I feel like talking, you would wish you never had ears ;P

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